Lease Agreements for Property in South Florida
Commercial Lease Agreements
If you are a business owner with rental property, it is extremely important that you have a real estate attorney draft and review your commercial leases. The creation of a strong commercial lease can mean the success or failure of your rental business. Commercial leases can be complex and difficult to draft because of the language that must be included to protect the property owner and any other parties working on behalf of the property owner.
In order to protect your business interests, you should consult with an experienced Palm Beach County real estate attorney prior to signing any agreements with potential renters. Your lease agreement must be drafted in a manner that does not leave you nor your company or agents vulnerable to a tenant lawsuit or abuse, and maximizes your position in the event of a tenant’s default.
Richard Weinstein of The Law Office of Richard S. Weinstein, P.A. helps protect commercial property owners by drafting, reviewing, and revising lease agreements. Contact the office online or by calling 561-745-3040 to speak with him about how he can help protect you and protect your property.
Residential Lease Agreements
Residential rental properties are a huge investment regardless of whether you have one or two properties or multiple rental units. Unfortunately, many people jump into the residential rental business without first consulting with an experienced real estate attorney. The result can be costly including time-consuming, expensive civil litigation. Many times this could be avoided if the property owner/landlord would have consulted with our office to draft a residential lease agreement.
A residential lease agreement protects you from certain liability regarding the tenant and the tenant’s actions. It also provides you with the legal right to evict the tenant for breaching the lease. Richard Weinstein has the experience and knowledge of Florida landlord tenant law that you need when you are venturing into the residential rental property business. He can draft leases, assist with tenant disputes and lease violations. Before you sign any lease agreement, consult with our office to ensure your rights and your property are protected.
Contact an Experienced Palm Beach County Real Estate Attorney
Contact our office online or by calling 561-745-3040 to speak an experienced real estate attorney who can help you with all of your real estate needs. From closings to leases and real estate litigation, Richard Weinstein can help you. Trust in the experience of an attorney who places his clients’ best interests as his number one priority.